Physical Object: Personnel Device

Personnel Incident Scene Safety


'Personnel Incident Scene Safety' improves public safety responder safety by providing responder location information to the infrastructure that can be used to avoid collisions involving the public safety responders. The application may also alert responders if they travel beyond the designated safe zone. The information provided and the user interface delivery mechanism (visual, audible, or haptic) can also be tailored to the needs of the user that is carrying or wearing the device that hosts the application.

This functional object is included in the "Personnel Device" physical object.

This functional object is included in the following service packages:

This functional object is mapped to the following Functional View PSpecs:


# Requirement
01 The field device shall provide responder location information to the infrastructure.
02 The field device shall provide responders alert notification if they travel beyond the designated safe zone.
03 The field device shall send alerts to emergency personnel on the scene of an incident when a vehicle is entering an incident zone and represents a potential threat to their safety.


Currently, there are no standards associated with the functional object itself though the interfaces may have standards associated with them.