Device Class 1: Wireless Access

Control ID: AC-18 Wireless Access Family: Access Control Source: NIST 800-53r4
Control: The organization:
  1. Establishes usage restrictions, configuration/connection requirements, and implementation guidance for wireless access; and
  2. Authorizes wireless access to the information system prior to allowing such connections.
Supplemental Guidance:
Wireless technologies include, for example, microwave, packet radio (UHF/VHF), 802.11x, and Bluetooth. Wireless networks use authentication protocols (e.g., EAP/TLS, PEAP), which provide credential protection and mutual authentication.

Related Controls: AC-2, AC-3, AC-17, AC-19, CA-3, CA-7, CM-8, IA-2, PL-4, SI-4, IA-3, IA-8
Control Enhancements:
(1) Wireless Access | Authentication And Encryption
The information system protects wireless access to the system using authentication of [Selection (one or more): users; devices] and encryption.
Supplemental Guidance:
Related Controls: N/A
References: N/A

See AC-1, AC-3, AC-6

Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements: N/A