SET-IT Training
PDHs: 8

Course Overview
This on-site training course on the System Engineering Tool for Intelligent Transportation (SET-IT) is typically conducted as part of another architecture workshop, either another training session on the architecture (ARC-IT) or as part of a connected vehicle or regional ITS architecture workshop. This course provides training on the SET-IT Architecture tool, which is a high-level, interactive software program that integrates drawing and database tools with ARC-IT so that users can develop project architectures for ITS projects, pilots, test beds and other deployments. The course prepares participants to immediately and confidently use SET-IT to create a project ITS architecture and to assist others who are doing so.
Delivered in an interactive workshop format, the course will develop an understanding of the terminology and concepts associated with using SET-IT based on hands-on exercises with the tool and interactive lectures conducted by instructors experienced in using the tool. The one-day course is presented by qualified instructors using a Participant Workbook, the SET-IT software, and supporting visual aids and exercises. All participants receive a copy of the Participant Workbook containing copies of all the presentation charts used in the course.
Target Audience
- ITS professionals including consultants and system integrators as well as those employed by State DOTs, MPOs, transit agencies, municipalities, or FHWA Division Offices who use and/or maintain an ITS project's architecture.
- Participants that have a general knowledge of ITS concepts and terminology, including architecture terms from ARC-IT, plus basic computer skills (manipulating windows, using directories, a web browser, etc.)
Course Goal and Outcomes
The goal of this course is to prepare ITS professionals to use SET-IT to create Project Architectures.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- List the preparatory steps to assemble information needed to create a Project Architecture.
- Describe the steps in the process used by SET-IT to create a Project Architecture.
- Use SET-IT to create and modify a simple Project Architecture, including:
- Describing the project
- Selecting service packages
- Entering inventory elements
- Entering stakeholders
- Customizing interfaces
- Customizing needs and requirements
- Customizing communications diagrams
- Entering enterprise agreements
- Creating reports and diagrams
- Describe how project architectures are used with SET-IT
- Describe in general terms how to add user-defined "extensions" to an Architecture