6.11: Manage Wide Area Dissemination Services

This page shows the collection of processes that make up the Manage Wide Area Dissemination Services facility within the Provide Driver and Traveler Services function. These processes include the collection of data for dissemination, the management of the dissemination process, the trust and other supporting functions, and the actual broadcast of the data. The term "wide area" in this context may be as large as an entire city, an entire state, a multi-state region, perhaps even an entire country. The technologies may include terrestrial digital radio or satellite based systems.

There are 3 processes defined as Process Specifications (PSpecs) in this collection:

1) Collect Data for Dissemination (6.11.1)
2) Manage Dissemination of Traveler Information (6.11.2)
3) Disseminate Traveler Information (6.11.3)