4.7.2: Collect Transit Fares at the Roadside

This page shows the collection of processes that make up the Collect Transit Fares at the Roadside facility within the Manage Transit function. These processes enable transit fares to be collected from travelers at the roadside before they board the vehicle. The processes operate together in much the same way as those performing a similar function on-board the transit vehicle. They also enable the traveler to obtain information about and pay for other travel services, and to pay for tolls and parking lot charges in advance.

The key points about the facility are as follows:
- Transit fare collection is provided without travelers needing to stop while boarding the vehicle;
- Fare processing is interactive as the travelers pass through the roadside location;
- Travelers may request and pay for other travel services;
- Advanced payment of transit fares, tolls, and parking lot charges is supported.

There are seven processes defined as Process Specifications (PSpecs) in this collection:

1) Detect Traveler at Roadside (
2) Determine Traveler Needs at Roadside (
3) Determine Transit Fare at Roadside (
4) Manage Transit Fare Billing at Roadside (
5) Provide Traveler Roadside Fare Interface (
6) Update Roadside Transit Fare Data (
7) Provide Transit Roadside Passenger Data (