Control HRI Traffic Signals

This process is responsible for interpreting the hri_control message and safely directing the activation of the appropriate devices. This process will both directly command devices at the HRI and will disseminate necessary control information to the Process Indicator Output Data for Roads function to allow integrated control of adjacent traffic signals. Data will also be sent to SSR and/or HSR Device Control functions to control these specialized devices at the crossing. When sensor data indicates an approaching train this process notifies the Process Indicator Output Data for Roads function to allow the signal timing to be adjusted and dynamic message signs, if available, to be updated. This allows the traffic signals in the area adjacent to an HRI to be used to clear the Storage Area in advance of an approaching train and to manage traffic around the intersection.

This process is associated with the ITS Roadway Equipment physical object.

This process is associated with the following functional objects:

This process is associated with the following data flows: