EU: Air Quality Management Zones - BTP/GeoNetworking/G5


This solution is used within the E.U.. It combines standards associated with EU: Air Quality Management Zones with those for V-X: BTP/GeoNetworking/G5. The EU: Air Quality Management Zones standards include upper-layer standards required to manage and geofence controlled air quality management zones.. The V-X: BTP/GeoNetworking/G5 standards include lower-layer standards that support broadcast, near constant, low latency vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications using the ETSI GeoNetworking Bundle over the 5.9GHz spectrum.

Relevant Regions:

Comm Profile: V-X: BTP/GeoNetworking/G5

Comm Class: LAN - Local Area Network

Standards in Profile:

Data Profile: EU: Air Quality Management Zones

Standards in Profile:

Solution Issues Severity: 18

The severity issue score calculation only includes issues associated with standards that are included by default.

Solution Issues:

Default Severity Name Type Description
True Low Protocol features partly not applicable in the given context Performance / Applicability Gap A feature of the protocol is not fully applicable in the given context, e.g. GeoNetworking multi-hop forwarding in 5.9 GHz channels.
True Medium Overlap of standards Overlap Multiple standards have been developed to address this information and it is unclear which standard should be used to address this specific information flow.
True Medium Security inadequate Security Gap The solution does not provide adequate communications security for the information triple, which potentially jeopardizes C-ITS operations.
True Medium Uncertainty about trust revocation mechanism Security Gap The mechanisms used to prevent bad actors from sending authorized messages is unproven.
True High Data not defined (high) ITS Info Gap Required data elements are not defined.

Solution to Triples

This solution is used on the following information flow triples: